Da war noch was: 2008. Best Songs.

01 Benni Hemm Hemm - Beethoven í Kaupmannahöfn
02 Pale Young Gentleman - The crook of my good arm
03 Heidi Happy - Fulltime running
04 Soldout - The box
05 Pretty & Nice - Grab your nets
06 The Soundtrack of our Lives - The ego delusion
07 Benji Hughes - Girl in the tower
08 Envelopes - Seawise
09 Faded Paper Figures - Logos
10 Fleet Foxes - Heard them stirring
11 Fulton Lights - The way we ride
12 Scott Matthew - Abandoned
13 Gisbert zu Knyphausen - Der Blick in deinen Augen
14 Immaculate Machine - Phone no.
15 The muslims - Extinction
16 Islands - J'aime vous voir quitter
17 The Dead Science - Make mine marvel
18 Pete & the Pirates - Come on feet
19 Tender Forever - Nicer if they tried
20 Girls in Hawaii - Couples on tv
21 Detektivbyrån - Rymden i en lada
Ich habe noch 3 Exemplare übrig. Verschicke ich gerne.
heyyou - 9. Jan, 16:54
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