Montag, 14. April 2008

hey you! hurray! #27

1. Apes and Androids - Creepy girls [00:00]
2. Soda Fountain Rag - Yesterday [04:26]
3. The Ironweed Project - Down to my grave [06:13]
4. The Endless Bummer - Itacan of Lacota [09:49]
5. Tristan Brusch - Devil's trill sonata [11:55]
6. Sweet Soubrette - Siren song [16:10]
7. Super Monster - Oohlalala [20:00]
8. The Chief Smiles - Prism [23:31]
9. The Muslims - Extinction [28:31]
10. The Pharmacy - Mirror song [30:50]
11. Boo and Boo Too - David turns a mystic [34:20]
12. Lightspeed Champion - The hooker song (live on WTOTS) [38:06]
13. The Hartmanns - Love the song [40:44]
14. Blind Terry - The Subtle Art of How To Break A Heart [43:40]
15. We were the States - Till the morning comes [46:40]
16. Travels - Sixty five and sunny [49:43]

Download hey you! hurray! #27 [mp3, 75 mb, 52:23 min]

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Kailan (Gast) - 21. Apr, 11:10

I read your post and

I read your post and wished I'd wrtiten it

Make sure you will b

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